krayzykat musings

random. often cat-focused. sometimes a little nutty sort of online diary with ventings, thoughts on life, food-related tangents, etc. probably not interesting to people who don't know me...

Sunday, June 18, 2006

not quite so moving, and brainy kitties

so the condo thing fell through. now we have just under 3 weeks to find a place and move in. i went through the classifieds, and the pennysaver, and the internet, and the booklet, and called a few people, and will be visiting 2 complexes for sure tomorrow, possibly a third, to scope them out. the manager of the first complex told me "cats are cool" - definite potential there!
the second complex is rather nice, and very conveniently located, and the third is kind of farther than i want to be from work, but it is quite cheap. so we'll see. we also have two people scouting for us who are due to report tomorrow (a real estate person, and a ymca member who thinks we'd make decent neighbors). so, by tuesday, we ought to have some idea of whether or not this moving thing will work out.
and on the crazy cat front: i have been helping a lady named cathy in trapping the various ferals living around her mobile home. within the last week she has trapped an entire litter of 5 kittens, just about 3 months old, and very tameable (she has since been able to hold all of them). the mom and dad of this bunch, however, remain at large. cathy has 4 traps, and is constantly re-baiting, re-setting, and re-moving them, to no avail. she's even tried bringing some of the kittens out in a carrier, and setting traps around them. when the kittens meowed, the mom approached, assessed the situation, and leapt to the top of the carrier, where she meowed back to the kittens for a while, then settled down for a nap. i love that cats are smart, but some of them are way too clever for their own good!


At 7:39 AM, Blogger annie said...

man, that sucks that the condo thing didn't work out :-( good luck finding a new place - hope everything works out for you guys!


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