krayzykat musings

random. often cat-focused. sometimes a little nutty sort of online diary with ventings, thoughts on life, food-related tangents, etc. probably not interesting to people who don't know me...

Friday, April 14, 2006

yay, i think

i may have just NAILED my interview at the Y! from what i can tell, the decision is between me, who they like, and someone else also named linda (when will i escape this curse?!?) who has more experience, but isn't as much of a favorite with the staff. it's got to be a tough choice, what with them needing someone experienced, but with several upset people if i don't get the job - for example, shaggy's boss informed my potential boss that i would be awesome, and that she'd better hire me, regardless of skills, because i would fit in so well. then the executive director wished me luck on the way in to the interview. then the three "interview board" people asked me a bunch of questions i was prepared for, and i asked them some that they weren't, we all laughed at one point, and it was, by far, the most fun i have ever had while interviewing for a job.
i'll find out on monday.

in further news, my current boss is in deep, deep doggy doo. my nine and a half pages of "comments" which refute (with documentation) practically my entire performance review, have been approved as a "good job" by my former boss, and will be submitted to corporate hr tomorrow. which gives my boss the weekend to SQUIRM before they call her to ask questions.


At 7:03 AM, Blogger annie said...

congratulations, good luck, and BwaHaHa!!!!!!!!


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