krayzykat musings

random. often cat-focused. sometimes a little nutty sort of online diary with ventings, thoughts on life, food-related tangents, etc. probably not interesting to people who don't know me...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


well, twilight (our smallest cat) has finally been spayed. she us up and about, and the fur is growing back on her shaved little stomach. at first i felt bad for her, but she is making it perfectly clear that she feels GREAT! she moseys around, sniffs things, then randomly sails impossible distances through the air to land on top of dressers, fish tanks, etc. that most of the cats twice her size can't jump to if they try. she is being more social than i have ever seen her: begging for petting and scratches, giving licks... she even let me brush her the other day. and her voice has gone from an obnoxious "MMMmmmrrrRRROOOOOOWWWWWwwwrrr" to a tiny "brr" or "mmmow". she's eating great, and only threw up twice so far this week (a new record). i am very impressed. so life is treating her fabulously now, and she is making me envious.
i wish people could get spayed for $100.


At 3:54 AM, Blogger annie said...

congrats on the spaying :-) i'm sure she feels great. while people w/ pet cats here in Russia tend to neuter the boys ('cause otherwise they spray), for some reason, they don't really spay. several of my coworkers live in homes w/ cats that go into heat all the time, and it drives them mad. i'm sure both you, shaggy and twilight will be happy now :-)


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